
To Begin

I've started my blog. My real blog. Funny. It's just a blog. No big deal. All my secret inner thoughts exposed to the world. What's the risk in that?

**gasping for air**

Where do I begin?

Hello. I'm Mandalina. Welcome to my blog. I think this shall be my thinking spot. A little place I go to let out my frustrations and triumphs.

I did something today. Well, I did a few things today. But the one thing I'm really pleased with took courage, I suppose. I brought up a topic I didn't really want to broach. I was afraid of what the response would be. I had my idea of how I wanted it to go. I tend to have a vivid imagination and my subconscious torments me in my sleep. I've been having really strange and disturbing dreams lately. Finally I decided to just say what's been weighing heavily on me. And surprisingly, once I started talking it was easy. The words, the right words even, just flowed. And when I had finished, the response was favorable! It was a good day.


graceling said...

Hi Mandalina.

I am leaving the first-ever comment on your blog.

It is because I love you the most (because, clearly, comments=love.)

Glad you are on blogger now. We will have so much fun!

Eryka said...

Welcome to Blogger! We are now blogger friends. (I think that is suppose to be cool, but it really didn't sound like it was.) Btw, You inspire me.

Mandalina said...

Hooray! Thanks for posting comments!

Blogger friends totally rock! Eryka, I'm so flattered. I really think you're a much better writer than me.