
A Random Rambling Update

It's the end of Decemeber and I can't remember the last time I posted anything. I suppose blogging just kind of lost it's appeal for a while. Or maybe it's more that I just haven't had anything of interest to say. Although, I'm not really sure I've ever had much of interest to say.

I'm looking back on the year and noticing the changes in myself. It's amazing. I've come a long way. I've officially been working as a nurse for just over a year now. I'm not sure how I did it but I finally found some confidence in my abilities. Time. Time always seems to help. That and mistakes. I've learned so much from my mistakes. It only takes one time to be yelled at by a doctor to figure out what not to do.

My insanity has finally found a nice quiet place in the background. It's like I've tamed it or something. Conquering the beast. Once in a while it flares up, gets a bit roudy but then it simmers down (totally makes me think of Saturday Night Live - Simmer Down Now).

So, yeah. That's all I have to report. That and the boyfriend is amazing. He's supported me through so much and has always been great about everything. He doesn't always understand what's going on with me but he's always there for me. It makes me just overjoyed. I've never known love like this. It's quite refreshing. And it makes me feel so much more secure in everything. Secure is good. Safe. Comforting.

Enough rambling for now. I should go back to work.